Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Birthday!

6/8– Dahlon M. (Pasadena)                                                   8/9– Eric C. (Pasadena)
6/9– Nicole (Facilitator)                                                        8/11– Kameron D. (Pasadena)
6/10– Eri T (Therapist                                                          8/16– Ryan S. (Pasadena)
6/12– Adrian C. (El Monte)                                                    8/17– Oswaldo (Facilitator)
6/13-Ashley E.R. (Pasadena)                                                 8/18– Elisa L (Facilitator)
6/17– Christina (CFS)                                                           8/21– Dahre C. (Pasadena)
6/20– LaCarrie M. (San Dimas)                                            8/26– Ronald C. (Los Angeles)
6/28– Cindy (Parent Partner)                                              8/28– Blanca S. ( El Monte)
7/1– Paula (Facilitator)                                                          8/28– Mariah AD. (Pasadena)
7/3– Toneya R. (Pomona)
7/19– Stacy H. (CFS)
7/24– Alex (CFS)
7/24– Megan (Facilitator)
7/25– Angel K. (
7/26– Lawrence J(Pasadena)
8/20– Laura J (Therapist

Gabby P’s Poetry Corner

Why God?
By Gabriela P

Why do I have anger?
Why do I have sadness?
Why do I want to cry?
Why doesn’t my mom love me?
Why didn’t I have a father figure?
Why do I want to hurt those who hurt me?
Why do I also want to hurt the ones that love me?
Why do I feel pain in the inside?
Why do I feel worn out?
Why does my heart hurt?
Why can’t I just be happy?
Why God?
Why don’t you want to take me with you?
By Gabriela P
Why didn’t you ever hug me?
Why didn’t you love me?
Why didn’t you take care of me?
Why didn’t you listen to me?
Why did you listen to other people?
Why did you think I’m your enemy?
Why do you prefer my brothers more than me?
Why do you also prefer your man and your drug?
Mom I hope one day you can answer me
And Mom I hope one day you can love me.
By Gabriela P
Dad I wanted you to see me grow up
Dad it hurts that you weren’t around to protect me
Dad I wanted you to be my hero and safe from all these bad people
Dad I felt alone and scared without you
Dad I really feel like dying seeing all these people hurt me and you weren’t around to save me
Dad I asked you if you ever looked for me
Dad and you told me you did and that Mom hid us from you
Dad and I told you that it’s ok I believe you
Dad and know that I’m almost close to you I’m happy
Dad and when I see you I might not let you go
Dad I’m going to feel safe, love and comfort when we’re together
Dad never forget I love you

Summer Coping Tips:

Chewy asked RBS/Wraparound staff
 “What is your fondest (childhood) summer memory”?

My fondest childhood memory is living and going to school in Holland and learning Dutch  -Carla M. Facilitator

 My fondest childhood summer memory is traveling to the San Francisco Bay area with my family. This one particular day we got some deli sandwiches with big pickles and we went to the forest and had a picnic on top of a giant sequoia tree.   Paula H.F. Facilitator(Facilitator)
 Living off of ice cream and freeze pops. Allie S. CFS

 My fondest summer childhood memory is swimming at the local pool, hanging out with friends, and eating ice cold watermelon with my siblings on the porch of our home.Paul A. CFS

 My best summer memory was playing hide and go seek with all of the neighborhood kids in the dark! We would hide in all of the different yards and just have a blast!  Elisa L. (Facilitator)

Riding my bike around town.Playing sports. Learning to play new sports (golf, volleyball, tennis, racquetball, bowling)
No School.Spending time with sisters/cousins/family.Swimming  Jorge A. CFS

 My best childhood memory is driving ten hours to a little town called Qunicy, Ca going to the fair and being in a small town with one movie screen in the theatre no Mc Donalds only fast food was round table  pizza but it was the most fun because I was surrounded by my family and to this day there Is no Micky D’s or no major department storeDenisha E. Parent Partner

 Going to my grandma’s house and playing with my cousins  Jessica B. Facilitator

Birthday parties(because my birthday is in July) by the pool with a Rainbow Brite birthday cake.  Stacy H. CFS

 Getting together with friends from different schools and playing soccer all summer. Julian C. CFS

 Running through the sprinklers Winnie B. CFS

From about the age of 7 to the age of 10, every August we would go on a family vacation to Laughlin, NV. I always loved staying in the big hotels and going to the different restaurants and trying my dad's steak and lobster dish that he would order. Also since it was so hot, we went night swimming almost every night, that was probably the best part of the vacation.
Briana G. Facilitator

Wraparound/RBS Art Corner

Retro: 2011 Hillsides Wraparound picnic

June 18th, 2011 marked a milestone for our department. Several years prior, ideas about bringing the families that we serve together at one place in hopes to bring camaraderie, a sense of community, and just the opportunity to enjoy each others company were consistently being talked about. Last year that dream materialized. Many wraparound clients both young and old were treated to a family picnic at Arcadia County Park located in Santa Anita, CA. A water balloon toss, time in the bounce house, musical chairs, the famous beanie baby game, a relay race, several raffle, and most importantly time w/ family both extended and immediate brought excitement and fun to all who attended. Several client’s who had graduated years prior were able to reconnect with their wraparound teams and current clients were able to enjoy the sun and share a new experience with their current wraparound team and meet other members of wraparound. This year is our “Luau” edition of the picnic and we hope that it bring just as much excitement if not more than last year. We have also extended this invitation to our RBS community families for even more people which should equal more fun! We’d hate for anyone to have to miss out on this once a year opportunity. Parents: Bring your favorite Picnic/Hawaiian Dish and enter our contest!!

Safety facts for 4th of July!

We want you to have a safe 4th of July!
* Use fireworks outdoors only.
* Obey local laws. If fireworks are not legal where you live, Do not use them.
* Always have water handy (a hose or bucket)
*Only use fireworks as intended. Do not try to alter them or combine them.
*Never try and light a “dud” firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket water.
*Use common sense. Spectators should keep a safe distance from the “lighter” and the “lighter” should wear protective eye gear.
*Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Have a designated “lighter” preferably over 18 years of age
*Only persons over the age of 12 should be allowed to handle sparklers of any type.
*Do not ever use homemade fireworks of legal explosive. They are extremely dangerous. Report illegal explosives to the fire dept or police dept in  your community .

4th of July fun Facts

Did you know that…. 4th of July edition (Fun Facts)
· Only John Hancock, who was President of the Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The others did not sign until the following month
· In July 1776, there was an estimated 2.5 million people living in the new nation known as America; today over 307 million live here.
· There are more than 30 places in the U.S. with the word "liberty" in their title; the most famous is Liberty, Missouri.
· Over 1,200 American flags are flown over Washington, D.C. every July 4th
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams & Thomas Jefferson served on the committee that picked the eagle for the national seal (Franklin wanted the turkey)..
· More than 66 million Americans say they took part in a barbeque during last July 4th weekend.
· The names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were withheld for 6 months. If the effort at independence had failed, the act of signing would have been treason and punishable by death.
· The formal name of the statue of Liberty is "Liberty Enlightening the World."

Parent Cafe: Every First Tuesday of the month

Attention all Parents/Caregivers!! Have you heard about the Parent Café?  (Parents supporting Parents at Hillsides): This is a monthly support group for parents of children with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities, affecting social, emotional, and cognitive functioning.  Parent support topics include:
June 5th:  Reinforcing positive coping behaviors with your child                                                July 3rd: Share information, ideas,  and resources BBQ
Aug 7th : The importance of self-care
· Cooking Class and Childcare will be provided by wraparound CFS’
· Community Room, Children’s Resource Center, Hillsides Home For Children  940 Ave 64, Pasadena, CA 91105
         First Tuesday of every month 6-8 pm                                                  

Parent Partner advice: Elsie Garza

Parent Partner Spot by Elsie Garza Summer Activities for Families
Parents, summer is almost upon us. Here are some ideas for summer fun with the kids.
L.A. County Parks and Recreation offers summer activities for the entire family:
Concerts in the park or Outdoor movie nights
Swimming day and evening at a low cost
 Low cost sport programs. Arts and crafts. Take the family to the park for a picnic or just for an ice cream.
Museums in L.A. County are free.
Plan a day at the beach. Invite another family.
Libraries offer reading programs and activities for the entire family. Check out a book and read to your child.
Check out a movie at the library or Red Box, make popcorn and enjoy the movie with your kids.
Start a tradition of preparing a meal with your child every week.
Play board Grandparents: Plan any activity with your grandchild.  Talk to your grandchild about your family history, it can shape their future. or card games.

Great Connections!! Brotherhood Crusade Youth Sports League

Wraparound Great Connections!
The  Brotherhood Crusade Youth Sports League is just that—a Brotherhood (and Sisterhood).  They are Pasadena based organization that focuses on provided youth ages  3-17 a fun, safe, and encouraging environment to hone and flex their kick ball, soccer, basketball, track & field, and flag football skills.  Recently, Dahre a new and talented wraparound client earned a sponsored spot on the BHC’s traveling basketball team.  Overall, the coaches of the BHC want players that are honest, hard working, and coachable.  Fortunately, Dahre and his BHC teammates all posses those qualities which make for a winning combination on and off the court.  Go Dahre and the Brotherhood Crusade!!!
——- Alex Jackson CFS