Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Congratulations for finding our inaugural blog! Even though this looks like your typical blog, It’s not! This is a free forum of sorts to express yourself in any way. When you flip through our blog you will notice submissions from great people from your area, The Greater Los Angeles area. You might read a movie review, someone’s thoughts on current events, a rant about homework, a thoughtful poem, or something of those sorts.

Do you want to ask a question to the author of a submitted article?        
You can!

Email a question or response (be mindful your parents and/or wraparound team will
be notified if comments are inappropriate) to hillsideswraparound@gmail.com
to publish thoughts on a newsletter submission or make your own submission. Articles submitted will be labeled to the author’s first name, last initial, and hometown.

Artwork by Moises C. Pomona, CA

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