Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Diamondz Column * Advice from our girl in the 909

Dear Diamondz,
Where is the best place to get my first piercing and how old should I be before I get it? Thanks, Pierce-less in Pomona

Dear Pierce-less in Pomona, The place I’ve always gone to was the Indian Hill Swapmeet in Pomona. They’re great and do a clean job for a cheap price. I would say 15 would be a good age. After you get the piercing, make sure you get the Bactine Spray. It keeps the piercing clean and heals better and faster.
Dear Diamondz,

 My mom doesn’t stop bugging! Seriously though, she bugs about anything and everything. “When is your homework going to be finished? What time are you going to be home?” I mean I’m already 15 and 3/4’s! I brush my teeth and she’s behind me saying I put the toothpaste on wrong. I change the toilet  paper in the toilet paper holder and she’s mad at me for not doing it the right way? What’s the right way? We get in arguments almost on the daily and I’m about to snap! What should I do girl? Sincerely, Frustrated.

Dear Frustrated,        I perfectly understand what you’re saying. I would always be fed up with all my foster parents. They were strangers trying to tell me what to do and I wouldn’t have it. What I suggest is.. Have a sit down with your mom on a day you notice she’s in a better mood. If she is always on you, I feel that means something is bugging her. Just sit her down, ask her if something you’re doing is bothering her and let her know how she’s making you feel. I’ve learned from experience to get everything out in the open is the best thing to do. Keeping it all bottled up gets you to the breaking point and doing something  dumb. Which we all know makes the situation worse. Just know it’s been proven that stress can harm and kill so don’t leave something unsaid!      Sincerely, Diamondz

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