Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What do Wraparound staff do to "De-stress"?

My husband and I love to cook! From selecting the recipe to gobbling it up, each step involved in preparing a meal satisfies both our bellies and our busy minds!  Plus it’s a good way to entertain yourselves for cheap!
- Megan P. Facilitator

I go to the spa or get a pedicure, read a book outside, sit and be still while listening to calm music, take a walk, go to old town Pasadena and eat Pinkberry while  people watching.
- Anjure J. Facilitator

I go to the gym and hang  out with friends.
- Oswaldo N. Facilitator

I watch Reality Television and eat treats (ice cream). -
Angie R. Facilitator

I sing and dance in the car, take walks, crochet, knit, paper crafts,  and go to church.– Nereida C. Facilitator

Run, yoga, watch movies, go to the gym to kickbox and Zumba.—Briana G. Facilitator
Deep breathing, taking a walk,
listening to good
music, and work out.
—Carla M.
I run, eat chocolate, listen to music, read, and write.
- Anita C. Facilitator
I sing in my car, rub my dog’s belly, and watch funny movies.
- Jessica B. Facilitator
I clean my house, exercise, and I like to walk.
- Armida B. Parent Partner

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