Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Diamondz Column Winter 2011

Advice from our Home Girl in the 909

I am a 16 year old teenager who has done everything a 30 year old just got done doing. I don’t have all the answers but I have most of them. I’ve been knocked down lots of times but I’ve gotten up right back. I have been arrested, lived in lots of different foster homes, been Awol for months at a time, consumed almost every drug. Been kicked out of plenty of schools, been affiliated with gangs, pregnant at 13 years old. I’ve done it all. But today I’m trying to put my life back together  and I think I’m doing a pretty good job at it. If you have a question or need advice at anytime. I’ll be here to listen and try to help you out. I want to  use my life experiences to help out. ——Diamond——

Email all of your questions to hillsideswraparound@gmail.com

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