Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Informal Support: Elisa Gonzales Parent Partner

I was asked to write something about my personal informal support, well this is dedicated to my dear friend, Diane whom with all her heart and soul has always been there for me and my then children and later adults with children themselves. She has been at every birth of my grand children and when I am exhausted and stressed she is there for me to vent  and we can talk for hours. She is the one who will let me know I have to take a break when I am on the go. She is the one that many sleepless nights was up with me while I was looking for my child . She has been the one that will come and fix a meal or do my laundry when I am down. My friend will sit by me and be with me for all that I may need her for. I love her dearly and I am always telling her I need her to stay healthy and sound for a long time to come. We are both aging and share our pains and aches. I do not think I will ever find a friend like her; so patient WITH ME!!!    - Elisa G. Parent Partner Supervisor

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